Please explain anti-farm code
So, I've been trying to farm up the obsidian for my armor for HoM. Since I'm a newer player, cash is difficult for me. I've noticed that it doesn't seem to pay to go in there more than once a month. Here's how my trips generally go with 2 humans and 4 Heroes. The following doesn't include the chest drops. Each trip was on a seperate day, but generally within 24-48 hours of each other.
Trip 1: Full Clear, 9 shards dropped
Trip 2: Full Clear, 6 shards dropped
Trip 3: Full Clear 2 shards dropped
Trip 4: Full Clear, 1 shard
Trip 5: Full Clear, 0 shards
Trip 6: Full clear, 1 shard
So I take a few weeks off
Trip 1a: Full Clear, 11 shards dropped
Trip 2a: Full Clear, 6 shards dropped
Trip 3a: Full Clear, 1 shard dropped.
Do I seriously have to wait a month between every trip? It doesn't make sense to me. The wiki says that rare resources are unaffected, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I saw a similar pattern when I tried farming UW.
Trip 4a: Cleared all the shard dropping areas. 1 shard.
I wonder if there's truth to the Wiki post on "number of people in the area?" It seems when I've been doing this it has usually coincided with holiday events. So maybe the first day/run is on the opening day (easy access to FoW), and as the holiday progresses more people are farming?
Switched to 2-players + 3 heroes (5 total)
Trip 5a: Cleared all shard dropping monsters. 3 shards
Last edited by projectmercy; Dec 18, 2012 at 05:31 AM // 05:31..